Customers and Demographics: understand your audience better to optimise your events

As part of the launch of Insights, we've already explored Benchmarks - a feature that delivers a first for the ticketing industry.

Now's the turn of Customers and Demographics.

Developed to give event organisers a more in-depth and detailed understanding of who is attending their events, both are packed with features to inform decisions, increase revenue, improve the attendee experience, sell more tickets, and drive audience growth.

Read on for more information about what it can tell you about your attendees, and to see how organisers are already using the tool to enhance their events.


Central to Customers is the ability it gives you to drill down into more detail about the specific behaviour of individual ticket buyers.

As well as accessing top-line figures for metrics on customer and follower growth, you can see clearly who your top customers are based on:

  • How many events they've attended
  • How many tickets they've purchased
  • How much they spend on average for each purchase
  • How much they've spent overall

This information can help you identify your biggest supporters, and make decisions on whether to reward loyalty or incentivise them to become advocates for your brand (via the FIXR Rep Platform).

Crucially, you will also be able to see your customers' lifecycle status, giving you up-to-date information about how actively they are buying tickets for your events.

Active - customers who regularly purchase or have recently purchased a ticket

At risk - customers who are at risk of lapsing

Lapsed - customers who haven't purchased a ticket for a significant period

This innovative feature enables you to identify individuals that you should consider specifically targeting in upcoming marketing campaigns to retain their custom and continue growing your audience.


As you can see above, a key feature of Demographics is the ability to explore trends about the age of attendees across all of your events.

You can compare specific events to see who is buying tickets, and get insights into whether factors like venue, location, day of the week, event type or ticket price affect the average age of your attendees.

At an individual event level, the FIXR platform also allows you to see the proportional split of your ticket buyers by:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • New vs Returning Customers

Here are just three ways our clients have used this information to increase revenue, streamline their event organisation and improve the attendee experience:

Optimising paid advertising campaigns

"Knowing our core demographic of ticket buyers meant we could really hone in on the ages to specifically target. That helps massively in terms of conversions and making sure that the return on ad spend is the best it can possibly be; helping us save money and also generate custom." - Illuminate Tonbridge Castle

Strengthening relationships with partner venues

"It helps us in our conversations with our partner venues; being able to give them the gender split and average age of attendees. It can help shape decisions on things like staffing, security and even which drinks to stock up on. It means we can run a more seamless event and make sure the guest experience is the best it can be." - Kickin' It Country

Improving inclusivity for attendees

"It has been interesting to see which events are more attended by male or female audiences. Seeing that maybe women and gender minorities might not feel good about going to a particular venue - we’ve taken that on board and stopped using certain venues." - Trinity Ents

Already using FIXR for your events? Head here to explore Insights.

If you want to learn more about how Insights can help you make informed decisions about your events, get in touch below.