Maximise impact with Scheduled Announcements

Maximise impact with Scheduled Announcements

We know that timing is everything - especially when it comes to getting the word out about your event. That's why we’re thrilled to introduce a change to our event announcements, letting you control when your followers receive the big news.

Say hello to scheduled announcements.

Until now, whenever you published an event, the announcement would automatically go out to your followers. This feature has been hugely popular with event organisers using the FIXR platform, as a way to communicate about their latest events with their fanbase.

Trinity Ents told us "It's great that our followers are notified whenever tickets go live via FIXR itself. It gives us another way to reach our audience."

But we understand that sometimes, the moment of publication isn’t the ideal time to grab your audience’s attention. Which is why we've made it even better.

Whether you want to align your announcement with your marketing campaign, catch your followers during peak engagement hours, or build anticipation with a well-timed reveal, you now have the freedom to schedule your event announcements for the exact moment that makes the most sense for you.

How it works

Create and publish your event: Just like you always have. You’re in control when it comes to designing and setting up your event page.

Set your announcement schedule: If you're happy to notify your followers right away, that's still an option! But instead of sending the announcement immediately, you can now choose the date and time that aligns with your strategy. You’ll find this option right after publishing your event.

Let the excitement build: Your followers will receive the announcement exactly when you want them to. Whether that’s first thing in the morning, during their lunch break, or peak time in the evening.

Better visibility = more ticket sales

By giving you control over when your followers are notified, we’re empowering you to maximise the impact of your event announcements. The right timing can lead to better visibility, higher engagement and ultimately, more ticket sales.

It might sound simple, but it's just another tool that FIXR is providing to boost your ticket sales and make your events a success.

Ready to take control of your announcements? Head into your next event setup and give it a try!